Student Life

Counselling Services

King’s-Edgehill School has two full-time counsellors with MEd degrees in counselling.

Wise choices in personal and social areas, as well as informed educational and university decisions are essential in the world today. Adolescents have unique developmental needs, as it is a time of life that brings physical, cognitive and emotional growth and changes.
The purpose of the School Counselling Program at KES is to assist students with issues related to the stages of growth in the areas of academic, university/career, and personal/social development. Counselling services include opportunities to enhance learning, study skills, post-secondary planning, relationships, communication with family and friends, decision making, problem-solving, and the building of self-understanding.
Some of the services provided are:

List of 4 items.

  • Individual Counselling

    An opportunity for students to talk freely and confidentially about any concerns or problems of a personal, social, emotional or educational nature.
  • University Counselling

    Students in any grade can book individual sessions to explore post-secondary options.
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  • Group Counselling and Classroom Workshops

    Depending on the needs of the students, groups will be created to focus on topics of special interest, such as study skills, bullying, career and life planning, stress management, social skills, course selection, self-esteem, aggression and grief issues.
  • Referral Assistance

    Students can meet with the counsellor to get a referral to other programs and services in the community. We also have PhD psychologists available for appointments on campus. While there is a fee for this service, many private medical insurance plans cover the fee.
The KES counselling team uses a blend of counselling approaches that are customized according to the individual student's needs.
We offer talk therapy, solution-focused therapy, career counselling, academic/university counselling and more. The foundational aspects to our counselling services are grounded in offering the KES student population with a confidential, compassionate and safe space to discuss a wide range of matters – from setting goals, to navigating change, to working through life challenges and stressors. KES has recently renovated the guidance centre into a wellness hub where students can more easily access the Student Life and Wellness Director, as well as our two School counsellors. 

Students are encouraged to make an appointment with a counsellor to discuss any problems they may be having, or if they would like more information on a topic. While students are encouraged to self-refer, referrals can also come from a variety of sources, including the Headmaster, Deputy Headmasters, Head of the Junior School, parents, nursing staff, teachers, house parents, coaches, or advisors. Counselling sessions are kept confidential, unless there is an issue involving abuse, neglect, imminent harm to self or imminent harm to others.

Counselling Team

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Aynsley Sasaki

    Aynsley Sasaki 

    Director of School Counselling
    902-798-2278 ext 2238
  • Photo of Audrey Michaud

    Audrey Michaud 

    School Counsellor
    902-798-2278 ext 4063
If you would like to book an appointment for personal counselling, please contact Audrey Michaud.
If you would like to book an appointment for university or academic counselling, please contact Aynsley Sasaki.
If you have any general questions about student life or wellness, please contact Victoria Hill. 
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.