

Once again, Mrs. Taya Shields organized an impeccable Terry Fox Run, breaking the previous record and raising what appears to be over $50,000 once all has been tallied.

Decades of devotion and determination are not missed by the community as she was recognized with two of her favorite things at a recent assembly: chocolates and an orchid. What made it especially meaningful was because two cancer survivors, Emili Chader and Barb Crowell, made the presentation, representing all survivors of cancer thanks to treatment. These employees from our dining hall have benefited from research funded by the Terry Fox Foundation. Barb has received immunotherapy and Emili chemotherapy to help their quality of life. Three incredible women who follow Terry’s inspiration of not quitting! Grade 8 student Ali MacLean ‘27, also helped with the presentation as her family has also experienced the challenges of cancer and the gratitude of recovery.

Kevin Lakes
Junior School Faculty
Junior School Athletics Coordinator

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King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.