
Artists of the Week

The arts at King’s-Edgehill are an inclusive environment that embraces diversity. Not only in who we are but in our choices of what we pursue and how we express that choice. Imagination and creativity foster the capacity to develop ideas, solve problems, provide life skills, and open the door for opportunities. Intelligence and creativity are overlapping skills and through the arts, a person builds confidence, develops perspective, and finds their true nature.

This week we recognized Tracy Dong '28 in music.

Tracy consistently demonstrates diligence in her studies, always prepared to exert extra effort to master challenging material, thereby enhancing the overall class dynamic. Last week, she showcased her talents as a soloist during the Grade 8 assembly performance. Committed to her craft, Tracy regularly attends jazz band rehearsals, where she shines as one of the group's featured performers. Her dedication serves as a testament to the rewards of hard work, not only for personal development but also for the enrichment of her community. Through her perseverance and positive demeanor in music, Tracy strengthens the program and motivates others to follow suit. Well done, Tracy!
Karen Jones
Director of the Arts

Arts CTA
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.