
Athletes of the Week

Athletes of the Week are selected based on athletic performance and sportsmanship. Positive sporting behaviour is valued at KES and integral to our athletic philosophy and School mission statement emphasizing gentleness, learning, dignity, and respect. These student athletes also reflect the seven principles of “true sport” which states: go for it, play fair, respect others, keep it fun, stay healthy, include everyone, and give back. 

For the week of April 28, 2024:
After being involved with junior rugby last year, Addison Smith '27 has continued to develop into an integral member of the 7s team this year. She demonstrates grit on both defense and offense and is always dependable and her teammates can always count on her to get the job done. We look forward to seeing her continue to flourish in the 7s program this season and move on as a forward within the 15s team next year. Well done and keep up the great work, Addi!

Hugo Montgomery '27 is blessed with excellent rugby skills and intuition. He passes with precision, runs with agility and speed, and tackles with enthusiasm. Tactically, he can control a game, making the right decision to put his teammates or himself into space. Excellent work Hugo!
As one of the slo-pitch team's starting pitchers, Gretchen Archibald '24 displayed impressive skill and composure on the mound, consistently delivering pitches with precision and finesse. Her ability to control the game is evident in every inning, as she calmly navigates each play and outmaneuvers opposing batters. With a steady hand and focused determination, she was an integral part of the team's win over Central Kings on Thursday, May 2. Whether it's her ability to catch pop-flys, or her urgency when throwing the ball to get a runner out, Gretchen is consistently reliable, making her an invaluable asset to her team. Fantastic work, Gretchen!
Eduardo Mansilla Gracia '25 is a fierce competitor who battles hard on offence and defence. Eduardo distinguished himself last week in two games with his tackling, his aggressive running, and his tactical kicking. Lightning fast, he pressures opponents into making mistakes when they have the ball and gains ground when he has the ball in his own hands. Keep up the great work Eduardo!
Kim Walsh
Director of Athletics

Athletics CTA
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.