
Second Annual Day of Payne

The second annual Day of Payne went off on Wednesday without a hitch! Under beautiful skies, the whole school, aided by some wonderful alumni, took part in a variety of activities including the 100m, 400m, long jump, javelin, shot put, and the 4x100m. Spirits were high as each team cheered on their teammates and learned how fun track and field activities can be.

Mr. Guy Payne, a long-time teacher turned volunteer, had a tremendous love of track and field and inspired countless young athletes in his 50+ years of dedication to the School. This memorial event seeks to inspire the next generation of track and field athletes while students have a ton of fun!

Congratulations to the pink team who were the winners both in spirit points and overall activity points. A big thank you to all the faculty and staff who made this day possible and to the late Mr. Guy Payne for inspiring a winning tradition of track and field at KES.

Katrena Thomas
Advancement and Alumni Relations Officer

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.