
Rising to the Top!

The results are in, and our Grade 9 students are provincial math champions! The University of Waterloo’s Pascal Mathematics Competition was written on February 28, 2024, and the provincial results were recently published. A challenging and stimulating contest, the Pascal calls upon students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Written internationally, this competition is recognized globally for mathematical excellence.

Congratulations are extended to Noah Lin ’27, Cavan Xiong ’27, Isaac Woodworth ’27, Max Proctor ’27, and Ken Hojo ’27, who received certificates of excellence for scoring in the top 25% of the 26, 499 students who wrote. Our Grade 9 team composed of our top three scorers Noah, Cavan, and Isaac achieved a cumulative score that placed them first in Nova Scotia! Noah and Cavan tied for third place out of the 578 students who wrote, while Isaac finished 17th, placing him in the top three percent in the province. What fantastic results!

We have received a commemorative plaque that highlights our winning students and it will be displayed in the Junior School corridor. Next Wednesday, May 15, our Grade 7 and 8 students will have their turn as they write the CEMC Gauss Competition. This is an excellent opportunity to stretch their problem-solving boundaries. From the Waterloo math contests to our in-house Pizza and Problems sessions, and our regular trips to Dalhousie University Math Circles events, it has been a great year of mathematical growth for our students.
Taya Shields
Junior School Director

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.