
Cadets Wrap-up the Season on a High Note

This Sunday our cadet honour guard welcomed students who arrived for provincial debating from around Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Our cadets looked very sharp dressed in their red Highland doublets and kilts. What a great way to offer a warm King’s-Edgehill welcome to other teams of competitors! 
The cadet challenge on Wednesday wrapped up a busy fall for cadets of the 254. Ongoing exam preparation is now the top priority as we move into December. We had fun team-building activities for the cadet challenge with lots of laughter and cheering from teammates. Activities ranged in skill and challenge from the three-legged race, creating a Christmas jingle/song, being timed on moving marshmallows from one bowl to another with chopsticks, to moving your team from one side of the gym to the other with two mats using the leapfrog method. Cadets from the 254 had 18 stations to circulate through. 

These challenges were all about working together and building team spirit. I would say that we were very successful in achieving this goal! 

Captain James Skafte 
Commanding Officer 
254 King’s-Edgehill School Highland Cadet Corps 

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King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.