
Giving Tuesday

As you may know, this coming Tuesday is not only the second day of the work week, it is also Giving Tuesday! While our historic campus provides an idyllic setting for students to pursue their educational dreams, it is not fully accessible. With this in mind, on Tuesday, November 28, we want to start to change that by literally opening doors.

The door by the roundabout which is used for day student drop off and pick up is also the closest door to the Ted Canavan Athletic Centre, meaning it is one of the highest-traffic locations on campus. By one estimation each student could pass through there upwards of 13 times per day! This door is also the entrance to the Fountain Performing Arts Centre which connects the theatre, the Fountain Performing Arts Studio, and the Margaret Vair McLellan Concert Hall. This Tuesday, with your help, let's make this door accessible by adding an accessibility button!

To achieve this goal, we need one gift of $2000;
two gifts of $1000;
four gifts of $500;
six gifts of $250;
eight gifts of $125:
ten gifts of $75;
ten gifts of $50;
and ten gifts of $25.
Can you help?

Not only will an accessibility button allow those with mobility limitations to have easier access to the building, but it will also help students who come in with hands full of schoolbooks, hockey bags, science projects, and everything else they need in the run of a day.

Thank you for making KES more accessible today!

Plan a visit!
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.