
Athletes of the Week

Athletes of the Week are selected based on athletic performance and sportsmanship. Positive sporting behaviour is valued at KES and integral to our athletic philosophy and School mission statement emphasizing gentleness, learning, dignity, and respect. These student athletes also reflect the seven principles of “true sport” which states: go for it, play fair, respect others, keep it fun, stay healthy, include everyone, and give back. 

For the week of April 28, 2024:

Eduardo Mansilla Gracia '25 is a fierce competitor who battles hard on offence and defence. Eduardo distinguished himself last week in two games with his tackling, his aggressive running, and his tactical kicking. Lightning fast, he pressures opponents into making mistakes when they have the ball and gains ground when he has the ball in his own hands. Keep up the great work Eduardo!
For the week of May 5, 2024:

You won't find a happier person when it comes to sprinting hurdles and running long distances. If you want to pass Chelsea James '29 on the track, then you will need to be at least as tough as her. Good luck with that. There is no secret to her success, just a lot of hard but joyful work. This Grade 7 student arrives on the Tanna Track at 2:30 pm and can often still be seen until 5 pm. Chelsea's dedication and passion for perfection proved itself this weekend at the Kings-Hants District track and field meet where she collected silver medals in her 80m hurdles, 1500m run, and 3000m run. Keep up the great work Chelsea!

Depending on where you look on campus, you can find Harvey Hadley '27 running the trails during the cross country season, on the basketball court, in the swimming pool swimming 200 laps a day, setting up hurdles on Tanna Track, or jumping over sand on Hermann Field. Grade 9 student Harvey competed in the maximum number of events this weekend at the track and field district meet. He earned medals in 5/6 of his events earning silver in 100m hurdles, silver in 800m run, bronze in 1500m run, bronze in long jump, and bronze in the 4x400m relay. Well done Harvey!

If you want to know just how fast Grade 12 student-athlete Josiah Dosunmu '24 is, then try timing yourself for just half of a lap on the Tanna Track. If you can do it in 23 seconds, then you'll be approaching his speed. A recent student in the science of sprinting, Josiah has shown great dedication. Results of his dedication were shown this weekend at the track and field district meet he earned silver medals in all his individual events, the 100m dash, and 200m dash, and then proved his athleticism with his silver in the senior boys high jump. Josiah also has legs that go the distance as he helped his team in the 4x400m relay to a regional qualifying mark. We are looking forward to regionals Josiah!

If you are on the Tanna Track during sport, after supper, on the weekend, and sometimes at sunrise, then you will most likely see Kristy Michaud '24 doing her best to become even faster. Better yet, if she's not trying to increase her speed, then she's helping someone on her team to be faster. Kristy's excellent work ethic paid off this weekend as she placed first in the senior girls 200m dash and senior girls 100m dash. She then added another double gold performance by anchoring her Highlanders 4x100m relay, and 4x 400m relay in dominant fashion. The most impressive feat is that Kristy smashed the district 100m record that has stood since 2014. What an incredible accomplishment Kristy!

For the week of May 12, 2024:

A dedicated athlete and passionate softball player, Brooklynn Hayman '24 earned her captainship through her unwavering commitment and enthusiasm for the game. Always ready with a pep talk or words of encouragement, she shares her extensive expertise and valuable tips with her teammates. Known for her big hits at bat and effective communication as a shortstop, she is a valued and dependable player on and off the field. This was recognized by opposing Horton and Lockview teams when she continued to play in additional games at our tournament a couple of weekends ago. Great work Brooklyn!

Kim Walsh
Director of Athletics

Athletics CTA
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.