
The Life of a King’s-Edgehill Cadet

This spring it has been a blast to be a cadet in 254 King’s-Edgehill School Highland Cadet Corps. On Wednesday afternoons our cadets have the opportunity to experience the thrill of ziplining on the tree-top rope course at OnTree Adventure Park and explore the Manning Trail while trekking with CI John Kennedy. They also get to canoe at Pisiquid Lake and perfect their shooting skills in marksmanship at the range with Captain Logan Morse. Grade 10 cadets experienced Gold Star leadership training with Ms. Vanessa Wade, Lieutenant Karen Jones, Officer Cadet Meghan Keoughan, and CI Kyla Walsh.

Each week cadet fitness testing takes place with Warrant Officer Sierra Phillips '25 in the Ted Canavan Athletic Centre. Platoons have experienced mountain biking with Sergeant Harrison Klein '24 organizing and leading through the challenging terrain. CI Eric Kershaw taught bright young minds how to light a fire which is a valuable skill when going on a Silver Star Grade 9, or Gold Star Grade 10 expedition! CI Kim Walsh brings a vast amount of knowledge as our St. John Ambulance first aid instructor. Cadets greatly benefit from taking their first aid certification at KES. First aid skills are often a requirement at many places of employment.

Wednesday afternoons are busy for our three bands. Senior Pipe Instructor CI Pat LePoidevin and Pipe Major Iain Lang teach the Pipes and Drums band. There is a great group of fantastic young pipers who are learning on the chanter and soon moving over to bagpipes. Pipe Major MWO Ezra Sasaki '26 has impressed many with his piping skills and can be heard at any formal parade. CI DJ DeCoste has a very talented group in Drumline, their Warrant Officer is Bryan Ma '24. Mr. Kevin Simonar also has excellent leaders in Mil Band with Drum Major MWO Samantha Mayer '24 and Band Sergeant Major MWO Gretchen Archibald '24. There are many talented musicians in our Mil Band!

This spring our Honour Guard cadet resplendent in Highland Reds have wooed guests and dignitaries who have visited our campus. With a sharp snap to attention and a salute, our Honour Guard shows off their pride in the 254 each time they form up. The Colour Party has also looked its very best at formal events and parades such as opening for the provincial wrestling tournament and then again for the Cadet Church Parade.

In April the Gold Star Expedition for the Grade 10 students took place at Falls Lake. The campground provided a beautiful backdrop for leadership and adventure training. Camping in a peaceful outdoor environment challenged everyone to dig deep at times while learning new skills such as setting up a tent, how to heat meals on a butane stove or campfire, and many canoed for the first time. To be able to enrich the learning experience in an outdoor environment enhances the King’s-Edgehill School experience and challenges our students in new ways.

Recognition for serving in the 254 King’s-Edgehill School Highland Cadet Corps is very important. It’s a way to show how much we care for the cadets who dedicate so much of their time and effort to the success of the corps. The Army Cadet Service Medal has been given to eight deserving cadets who have four years of service in the cadet program with the 254. The following cadets received their cadet service medal: MWO Jess Etou '24, Sgt Maddy Fleming '24, WO Sadie Junger '24, WO Claire Morton '24, Sgt Emma Powell '24, WO Ava Shearer '24, MCpl Gintaro Takatsu '24, and Sgt Andy Wang '24.

We formally invite you to attend our Annual Cadet Review on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 6:30 pm. We’ll recognize many of our cadets’ accomplishments during the 2023-2024 school year. Oh yes, what a year it has been!

Captain James Skafte
Commanding Officer
254 King’s-Edgehill School Highland Cadet Corps

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.