
Connect, Converse, Catch-Up – Ben Fleckenstein

Mr. Kevin Lakes just got back from his two-month trip to New Zealand and is already catching up with former students.

When Ben Fleckenstein '20 was a student, he was always steady, reliable, and devoted to the team. A participant in a wide variety of sports and a hard-working student he learned to flourish initially in the Junior School and then took on the challenges and independence of completing his studies as a day student. He initially talked about being a teacher, however, this evolved into an attraction to a life in law enforcement.  

Ben recently finished his studies at Holland College in Summerside, PEI. It was an intensive six-month course that resulted in him being hired as a constable at the Kentville Police Department. “I love my job,” he says. “The hardest part is dealing with some people, and the best part is dealing with other people, the job is different every day,” he adds.

Ben normally works 12-hour shifts and really values his time off. During his downtime, he pursues his hobbies, which include a long-lasting enjoyment of playing hockey. Ben also takes time to reconnect to his roots and recently attended the King’s-Edgehill School Career Night to share his passion for his profession with our students. He even promised to swing by and visit Mr. Lakes in his squad car this spring to get a photo, so if you see the police in his yard, not to worry, it’s just Ben saying hello!

Kevin Lakes
Junior School Faculty

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.