
A Glamorous Evening at Cadet Ball

With great anticipation, the big day had arrived! It was Friday morning, and that night was our annual Cadet Ball! Of the many great things that take place at KES, Cadet Ball is one of the most anticipated and loved events of the school year. It’s a formal night to dress up and to look and feel your very best.

The Stanfield Dining Hall/McLellan Annex was beautifully set by our kitchen staff under the tutelage of Mrs. Twilia MacDonald for our annual Alumni Dinner. We had a wonderful meal to celebrate the graduating Class of 2024 and Mrs. Heather Strickey welcomed them as new alumni. Our Head of School, Mr. Joe Seagram, proposed a toast to the best of success for our Grade 12 students as they embark on the pursuit of their dreams.

Shortly after the dinner, we made our way over to Fountain Performing Arts Centre for a wonderful night of dancing and socializing. With the 21-person swing band led by Mr. Jeff Smith we danced the night away. It truly was a very memorable night with lovely orchestra music!

The dance competition was spectacular with many dance partners showcasing incredible talent. There could only be one couple that would win the coveted trophy for the top dance team. Our board of judges unanimously decided that it was Spencer Johnson '24 and Clare Munro '24. The RSM, CWO Elizabeth Hardy '24, and the CO, Captain James Skafte awarded Spencer and Clare the trophy for top dance team for 2024.

Much work had gone into setting up for this day. Mrs. Heather Strickey, Ms. Morgaine Sullivan, and Ms. Katrena Thomas from the Alumni and Advancement Department worked with our cafeteria staff to prepare for the Alumni Dinner. It truly was a fine experience!

A special thank you to the following cadets who helped to set up the theatre: Laura Oulton '27, Reina Tokonishi '27, Jacob Edgecombe '27, and Max Proctor '27. On the night of the Cadet Ball Benjamin Lo '25, and Alex Urtheil '26 worked as our door staff. Ms. Sandy Stewart and faculty members transformed the entire space into something beautiful to behold and deserve much thanks.

From the Cadet Office our very own Operations Officer, Mrs. Kiaya Lakes, kept track of those attending and worked tirelessly in the background. Lieutenant Karen Jones played an important part in ensuring the lights, sound, and tech was working. Well done everyone!

The annual Alumni Dinner and Cadet Ball was a great success. It was tremendously enjoyed by grads, students, faculty, alumni, and friends of King’s-Edgehill School!

Captain James Skafte
Commanding Officer
254 King’s-Edgehill School Highland Cadet Corps

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.