
Grade 8 Students Design Beautiful Mother’s Day Cards

During this special time of year, the Junior School art students love to create something special for Mother’s Day.

This year, our project was influenced by Monet’s Waterlilies. We set out to construct a three-dimensional waterlily on a card. With careful planning, the students created a base (the water), using watercolours and salt in the paint to create a textured background. Then the lily pad was added on top of the base. Finally, we started to construct the petals for the flower. Each petal is cut out separately, and then glued in place. The center of the flower was made with tissue paper.

I have to say, this project was very successful, and the students can’t wait to deliver these beautiful cards.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Sandy Stewart
Fine Arts Teacher

2023 Scholarship
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.