
Former Students Reunite Across the Pond

A photo of Madeleine Killacky ‘14 and Antonio Ziegler ‘19 at Oxford (Christ Church ‘Tom Quad’) sent to Reverend David Curry this spring. Madeleine is completing her PhD in Old English Studies at Bangor, Wales, and Antonia is pursuing a MA at Oxford, England, after completing an undergraduate degree at York University, England. Both were full IB Diploma students at King’s-Edgehill where Madeleine was also the organ scholar and later a houseparent. Always lovely to hear from former students!

(Rev’d) David Curry
Chaplain, English & ToK teacher
Chair of the Department of Religion and Philosophy

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.