
Spring Golf Season a Hole in One

The spring golf program has included 12 golfers this term with two juniors splitting the weekdays for the 11th spot. We were able to get on the course in the later part of April and have played through chilly, wet, wet and chilly (actually COLD) weather, and ended off with beautiful sunny and warm conditions, like our last day on June 4. We provide recreational golf in the spring term, but the School Sport Nova Scotia (SSNS) competitive golf season is offered in the fall. We open the competitive season up to all fall athletes and select players/teams from a one-time outing, based on scores on nine holes.

Grade 8 student, Ricardo Trujillo Verastegui ‘28, a spring golfer who played soccer in the fall term, was one of the juniors who competed in the fall district and regional golf championship SSNS events and placed second in both events by only one stroke! It is at that same venue that we have now moved to for our spring golf program. We usually have a large number of students interested in golf and the Coyote Hill golf course was able to welcome us this term and accommodate an extra four students. All students sincerely enjoyed getting out in the fresh air each afternoon to enjoy a round of golf.

Kim Walsh
Senior School Faculty
Director, Athletics

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.