
Grade 9 Photography Project

One of the projects I finish the school year with is the exposure and experimenting with photography. This project was inspired by the Tennessee artist, Greg Sand.
The assignment was to take two photographs around campus of the same object, one black and white and the other in colour. They had to keep in mind that when photographing black and white, the focus is on the light, composition, and texture. When photographing colour, the focus is on the composition and colour.
We then printed the images on photo paper and started building the image with a basket weave technique. Most of the images that were photographed were of the beautiful blossoms that are now in full bloom on the School campus.
The class was very surprised with the results, enjoy!
Sandy Stewart
Fine Arts Teacher

The Arts at KES
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.