
RSM and DSM Leadership Appointments for the 2024-25 School Year

During this week's assembly, the Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM), Drill Sergeant Major (DSM) and all other senior leadership appointments of the 254 took place. There were nine cadets promoted to Master Warrant Officer and one Chief Warrant Officer was promoted. The new leadership team will take command in the 2024-25 school year.
Our Commanding Officer (CO), Captain James Skafte, thanked the cadet senior leadership team for 2023-24 for their contributions to the 254. Firstly, were our five Company Sergeant Majors: MWO Colin Stephens '24, MWO Rendi Ashley '24, MWO Baltazar Pazos Garcia Ramirez '24, MWO Sabine Wellard '24, MWO Jessica Etou '24.
Then our three Band Master Warrant Officers: Drum Major MWO Samantha Mayer '24, Band Sergeant Major MWO Gretchen Archibald '24 and Pipe Major MWO Ezra Sasaki '26.

Our third-in-command of the 254 was thanked for her significant role as Training Sergeant Major. MWO Tanvi Manchineni '24 also served as Master of Ceremonies for all major cadet parades!
We had a special coining ceremony to thank our RSM and DSM. They were “getting coined” today! What is getting coined? It is a memorable experience when the Commanding Officer of the corps presents a deserving leader in the corps with a valuable coin. As CO I chose the Britannia silver coin. The reason for choosing this silver British coin is because the founder of our School, Bishop Charles Inglis, hailed from the United Kingdom. He would move to British North America (Canada) in 1787 and found our School in 1788.
The coining ceremony is a fairly rare event. Our Head of School, Mr. Joe Seagram, recounted the last time it took place was when the former Minister of National Defense (MND), Anita Anand coined former CO Major Keith Hynes. This was after the inspection of the 50-cadet honour guard for the MND.
The DSM, MWO Fox Sullivan '24, was recognized by getting coined by the CO for his significant leadership contributions to the 254. Fox is the second-in-command of the corps. Great job DSM!
Our corps Regimental Sergeant Major, CWO Elizabeth Hardy '24 was then “coined.” Elizabeth is an exemplary role model and commanded all ceremonial parades. She has been an incredible RSM!
These are the senior leadership appointments for the 2024-2025 school year: 
On behalf of the Commanding Officer, CWO Elizabeth Hardy announced the next promotions of four cadets to Master Warrant Officer. These four leaders were promoted to this rank and then appointed to their position as Company Sergeant Major (CSM). MWO Yasu Hojo '25 was appointed to the position of CSM of Alpha Company. MWO Gabby Shaw '25 has been appointed to the position of CSM of Bravo Company. MWO Sierra Phillips '25 received the appointment to the position of CSM of Charlie Company. Lastly MWO Lola Wamback '25 is the new CSM of Delta Company.
Then MWO Fox Sullivan announced next four promotions to Master Warrant Officer. Already holding the rank of Master Warrant Officer and returning as our corps Pipe Major: MWO Ezra Sasaki. Promoted to Master Warrant Officer and appointed to the position of Drum Major: MWO Vinnie Armstrong '25. Promoted to Master Warrant Officer and appointed to the position of Band Sergeant Major: MWO Jacob Fines-Belcham '25. Promoted to Master Warrant Officer and appointed to the position of Training Sergeant Major and third-in-command of the corps: MWO Sofia Ning '25. Sofia will also serve as our Master of Ceremonies.
Our CO, Captain James Skafte announced the Drill Sergeant Major (DSM) appointment. This cadet has impressed us with his sharp drill, dress, and deportment. Throughout the year he displayed strong leadership skills as a Platoon Warrant Officer and demonstrated that he was ready and able to take on the role of Drill Sergeant Major of the 254. It is my pleasure to promote to Master Warrant Officer and appoint as your DSM, Master Warrant Officer Kail Brown '25!
Next was the last and very significant appointment of the RSM. This cadet has set such a high standard and is always seeking ways to improve herself. She has the intrinsic desire to be better then her last best outcome academically, in sports and as a leader in the 254. There has no doubt been whispers in the School of who the RSM is going to be next year, but this young lady has been relentlessly going above and beyond to secure the role. Leading numerous Honour Guards, team captain of biathlon and marksmanship and already a leader wearing the rank of Warrant Officer. It is my pleasure to promote to Chief Warrant Officer and appoint as the RSM of the 254 King’s-Edgehill School Highland Cadet Corps, CWO Ann MacQuarrie '25!
We couldn’t be more happy with the new leadership, and we cannot wait for the 2024-25 school year!
Captain James Skafte
Commanding Officer
254 King’s-Edgehill School Highland Cadet Corps

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.