
Spring Fling Preview: Grade 7 Students Present "Mamma Mia" by ABBA

Duke Ellington's genius as a jazz composer stemmed from his unique approach—he tailored his compositions to the strengths of his band members, creating a distinct sound that celebrated each musician's contribution. This personalized touch not only made his music captivating but also showcased the individuality within the ensemble.
I often reflect on Ellington's approach during the intricate process of selecting music for my classes. It's a balance of pedagogical objectives, encompassing technical prowess, harmonic intricacies, and cultural context. This performance by our Grade 7 class embodies these considerations perfectly.
With four talented vocalists, five equally adept pianists, and a skilled violinist, tackling this ABBA classic seemed fitting. Despite the challenging ensemble sections for bass and drums, the students' dedication and diligence shone through, resulting in a gratifying rendition.
Another crucial criterion in my music selection is its appeal to students, myself, and the audience alike. "Mamma Mia" exudes infectious energy with its upbeat tempo and disco-inspired groove. Hearing it interpreted by our exceptional Grade 7 students only amplifies its charm. You can listen to their performance here.
As the King’s-Edgehill Spring Fling concert approaches on Thursday, May 16, at 7 pm, I extend a warm invitation to join us for an evening of musical delight. Witness firsthand the remarkable talent and hard work showcased by our students. The students and I have poured our hearts into making this event enjoyable for all, and I'm confident you'll leave thoroughly entertained.
See you there!
Kevin Simonar
Music Teacher
Arts CTA
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.