
Working With Clay 

Grade 6-10 students have been working with clay for the last five weeks learning and refining the three basic techniques: pinch, slab, and coil. The process is sculptural and technical at the same time and the process of drying, firing, glazing, and re-firing become important for the end result. The importance of clay thickness and hatching surfaces to have pieces adhere cannot be underestimated before the firing. In addition to firing specifications, glazing, which is liquid glass and water-soluble, holds a golden rule: never glaze the bottom because when sitting in the kiln the piece will fuse to the surface.

As a tactile and malleable art form, working with clay is immensely satisfying for all.
Karen Jones
Director of the Arts
Sandy Stewart
Fine Arts Teacher

The Arts at KES
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.