
Highlights From Quebec City

From the moment Mrs. Taya Shields, Mr. Paul Hollett, and parents wished us adieu from the KES parking lot, we knew we were in for a fun time. Our first leg of the journey to Quebec City included a bus ride filled with laughter, singing, and excited students eager for their Grade 8 trip to begin. Although the temperatures remained cool throughout most of the trip, hearts and minds were warm to see all the beautiful sights and experiences Quebec had to offer. From watching Canadian history come to life through our visit to the Plains of Abraham Museum and re-enacting ourselves some of Quebec City’s famous folklores, to walking through Vieux Quebec and making maple butter at a sugar shack, not a dull moment occurred on the trip. A highlight was walking along suspension bridges at the Canyon Sainte Anne. Kids sure do love a mall, so a final stop at Les Galeries de la Capitale, complete with an indoor rollercoaster, was la piece de resistance.
A big thank you to our chaperones, Mr. Nils Vosteen, Ms. Lana Steffan, and Ms. Victoria Spence who made the trip even more fun for the students. We all agreed that it was one of the most well-behaved group of students we’d ever travelled with. Félicitations!
Vanessa Wade
Assistant Head of School, School Life

King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.