
KES Choir Performs at Celebration of Heroes

Last Friday, the Junior and Senior School choirs had the great privilege of performing at the third annual Celebration of Heroes, organized by Landing Strong. Landing Strong is a local non-profit organization that supports the mental and emotional well-being of military members, veterans, and first responders experiencing the effects of operational stress injuries. The Celebration of Heroes is an event typically hosted at King’s-Edgehill School, which recognizes and celebrates the achievements of the participants in Landing Strong’s various programs. This is a beautiful and heartfelt event that the choir has been honoured to be invited to over the past three years.
During a very busy time of year, the choir made the time to meet and rehearse as much as possible, whether it was with only a small group at a time, during lunch, or in the mornings before class, they all managed to learn their parts and create a cohesive performance. Their dedication is always incredibly impressive in this regard, especially considering they had approximately four weeks to prepare their music – which is really only about six half-hour rehearsals. The singers’ two selections, “Don’t Stop” by Fleetwood Mac and “This is Me” from The Greatest Showman, are both uplifting pieces that aim to inspire an audience. Landing Strong and the choir felt that these were appropriate songs for the amazing program participants, given all the challenges they have faced and continue to work through every day. These two songs encourage listeners to boldly be their true selves and to look to the future.

The choir’s involvement rounded out the afternoon’s program very nicely and complemented the recognition speeches. Though the choir will lose our Grade 12 students this year, many of the remaining members will return next year and look forward to being part of this wonderful event again. 

Stephanie Fillman
Choir Director
Junior School Teacher

Arts CTA
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.