
Artists of the Week

The arts at King’s-Edgehill are an inclusive environment that embraces diversity. Not only in who we are but in our choices of what we pursue and how we express that choice. Imagination and creativity foster the capacity to develop ideas, solve problems, provide life skills, and open the door for opportunities. Intelligence and creativity are overlapping skills and through the arts, a person builds confidence, develops perspective, and finds their true nature.
In the Junior School fine arts program, students can explore two of the offered arts within a year. They have the choice of drama, music, or visual arts.

In visual arts, the students arrive with a lot of ideas, boundless energy, and the desire to learn. There are usually a couple of standout students in the group that are very passionate and dedicated to this subject. In visual arts, we would like to mention four students in Grade 8 and 9 who have been inspiring contributors to the class and have shown endless creativity, enthusiasm, and passion.

This week we would like to recognize Harlo Young '28, Maggie Wellard '28, Maria Fernandez '27, Charlie Boyle '27, and Jonny Coldwell '27.

Congratulations to all!

Karen Jones
Director of the Arts

Arts CTA
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.