
Artists of the Week

Kate Lukeman ’24: As Yearbook Executive Council Head, Kate has started the year off strong by promoting the Yearbook Club, recruiting members, and leading by example. We have the most robust group of students in the club since the pandemic, in large part due to Kate's enthusiasm and dedication. Kate is working on several yearbook pages dedicated to the graduating class of 2024. She has gathered and created content, photos, and designed pages, all while encouraging and supporting her peers.  

Kate was involved in the musical and did an amazing job speaking Bulgarian in her role! She is also enrolled in IB Visual Arts. Kate has proven herself to be very motivated, hardworking, a risk taker, intelligent, and a very creative soul. She is dedicated to learning and enjoys challenging herself with enriching opportunities.

Sandy Stewart
Junior and Senior School Faculty

Gretchen Archibald ’24: Gretchen's leadership in the cadet band and rendition of the Last Post for our Remembrance Day service are just a couple of examples of her dedication to the arts at KES this term. Gretchen's talent and ongoing contributions plus her passion for theatre have always been impressive, but her performance this past weekend in Matilda as the title character was truly inspired. Gretchen's commitment to the role and her cast was unwavering as she worked hard to prepare for the performance, attending all rehearsals and working with castmates and understudies to ensure the production would be spectacular – as it was! Gretchen received rave reviews from all audiences this past weekend, and we congratulate her on her fantastic performance! The Arts Department is so excited to see even further demonstrations of Gretchen's dedication to the arts over the course of the year! 

Stephanie Fillman
Junior School Faculty
Voice Teacher

The Arts at KES
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.