
Grade 10 Acrylic Painting Project

Grade 10 art students embarked on an acrylic painting project ignited by the post-impressionist movement, drawing inspiration, particularly from the visionary Vincent Van Gogh. The crux of this assignment was to explore colour, texture, and the art of underpainting.

Beginning with the foundation of an underpainting, they delved into an experimental phase employing an array of unconventional tools—sponges, cardboard, and squeegees—to infuse their stretched canvases with unique textures. With the canvas richly textured, they chose a subject that reminded them of the direction of the underpainting.

The project became a canvas for their creative interpretations and explorations, leading each student down their own artistic journey.

Sandy Stewart
Junior and Senior School Faculty

The Arts at KES
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.