
Student Leaders Explore Risks and Rewards of Formal Leadership

Captain’s Council is a leadership development program focused on leadership within the context of sports and athletics. The group is comprised of formal leaders from each of our respective senior varsity teams. Captain’s Council meets bi-weekly, and each meeting is led by a different group of student-athletes. The meeting facilitators prepare and lead group discussions on a variety of topics. The group utilizes Jeff Janssen’s text The Team Captain’s Leadership Manual as a starting point for its content, but discussion topics specific to King’s-Edgehill School are included as well. The Captain’s Council is consulted occasionally to provide feedback on special proposals and developments within the athletics department.
This week our two Athletics Executive Council Heads Clare Munro ‘24 and Kristy Michaud ‘24 facilitated an excellent session with our Captains Council discussing the risks and rewards of being a leader. The group shared their own experiences, goals, and worries related to taking on formal leadership roles on their respective teams. Kristy and Clare, who both hold formal leadership roles on our girls hockey team and are also standouts in track and field and rugby respectively, did a tremendous job framing the conversation within our context at KES. These two student leaders provided an example for our facilitators to follow in future sessions.
Based on the conversation and sharing of ideas at the meeting, it is clear that positive, meaningful leadership is alive and well within the context of our athletics program here at KES.
Rory Campbell
Junior School Faculty
Basketball and Rugby Coach

Athletics at KES
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.