
KES Vision, Mission, Values, and Philosophy Community Survey Open Now!

King's-Edgehill School (KES) is currently developing its next strategic plan. As part of this process, we are considering updating our vision, mission, values, and philosophy, which are all guiding principles that define our community, what we do, believe in, and aspire to become.
As a valued member of the KES community, we’d like your support. We’ve created a survey to learn more about your perspectives of the School in relation to our existing vision, mission, values, and philosophy.
The link to the survey is below. It should take no more than five to six minutes to complete. All information we collect is strictly confidential, will only be used in the aggregate to gather information for this research purpose, and all information collected for this survey will be destroyed once completed.
The link to the survey is here. If you’re unable to see that link, simply click here:
Thank you for taking the time to help us define the future of KES. The survey will be open until 11:59 pm on Sunday, January 21, 2024.

KES Strategic Planning Committee
King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.