
Emerging Leader - Tanvi Manchineni

Tanvi came to King’s-Edgehill in Grade 7 and over the past two and half years, she has grown not only in stature, but also in confidence, maturity, and influence. Tanvi is an exemplary student whose work ethic and keen intellect have been apparent since her earliest days with us. Over time, Tanvi has developed into a well-rounded “four pillars” student who has been a mainstay in our Junior School musicals, a fierce competitor on the basketball court, and a selfless and empathetic volunteer as part of our Junior School volunteer programme. Tanvi, who comes to and from school on our Bedford bus, takes advantage of every opportunity presented to her. Whether it be improv club or peer tutoring at lunch, or volunteering after basketball practice, Tanvi’s days are filled from the moment she steps on campus until she leaves. This type of work ethic and willingness to take on whatever opportunities she’s presented with make her an exemplar for her peers.
What does leadership mean to you?
Being there for someone else, being a person that other people can come to, or stepping out of your comfort zone to do things that others might not be willing to do.
What are traits that make a good leader?
Supportive, friendly and welcoming. To me friendly is smiling and nodding your head, but welcoming is a little more in depth and tries to bring someone into the group and make them feel valued.
How would people describe your leadership style?
I’m an independent person who can be there for people. I’ve always had a little more independence so I’m okay working alone on projects.
How does your independent style translate into working with others?
Working with others seems to come naturally. As much as I can work on something alone, I also really enjoy learning from and with others in a group setting.
Who do you look up to in terms of leadership?
My mom is someone I look up to. She is able to get a lot of things done and does a great job with everything she does. Another person is (Grade 10 student) Allie Pape. She’s been so involved with our musicals, both in them and choreographing them. She works really well under pressure and makes sure things get done.
You’ve been with us since Grade 7. When looking back on your time in the Junior School, is there anything that you are particularly proud of?
I feel like I’ve become more confident and better with people in general. I also think I’ve become a lot more athletic and grown in that area.
Has that growth in the athletics pillar of the School impacted you outside of sports?
Yes, I think so. Working together as a team like in basketball, for example, you need to get to know your teammates and there are also times when you need to be very direct in communication. There have been times outside of sports where I’ve used some of the skills we need in basketball too.
What are your goals for the remainder of your time in the Junior School?
I’ve been working on my public speaking, and this is something that I want to continue to focus on. School has really helped with this, whether it be through the volunteer opportunities or other things we do.
J. Rory Campbell
Junior English and Technology Teacher
Girls’ Rugby and Basketball Coach

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King’s-Edgehill School is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.